You can’t buy happiness in a shop, order it from the Internet or take it in a pill. Happiness has to come and grow from within. The birthplace of happiness is in your mind, more specifically, in your thoughts. Ask yourself, are you thinking positively or negatively? Are your thoughts healthy or unhealthy?

Every thought we have will form the solid lenses from which we view our world. If we constantly think negative thoughts we create horrid situations before they arise. We increase our blood pressure and contribute to living a shorter life. We maneuver ourselves into an awkward position, not appreciating the beauty and greatness that simply lies in things around us.

Seeing the positive allows you to worry less, be happier and gain total control of your attitude, mood and impact.

To really shift a negative state into a positive you have to be aware of your mood and how you are feeling at that current moment, it also helps to know what has caused you to feel the way you do. Close your eyes and take some deep breathes, what is in your mind, what are you telling yourself. Capture these thoughts. If they are negative think about where that negativity has come from. Write these thoughts down and then one by one turn that thought into a positive, say it to yourself and believe it to be true. For example, if you are thinking:


‘I am going to fail’

Change to

‘I will Pass’

Focus and repeat this positive in your mind and really believe it to be true. Internally notice the feelings and sensations it creates in your core and magnify that emotion. This is one way of creating that happiness internally.

You may think the easy option would be to stay negative, remember people will pick up on this energy and is it draining for them and is detrimental to your general wellbeing and life capacity.

Please feel free to post questions and comments, good luck…