This week’s article is going to focus on how you can remain objective and calm regardless of any drama and politics that may surround you in life.  It is very easy to say yet difficult to carry out. However, if you take the time to invest in your own development by reflection, meditation and contemplation, the points below can help you feel be in direct command of your life.

If you have more control you realise how many choices you have, you can be proactive and self-directed. If you are reactive, you limit your growth and any potential for a brighter, happier future. Take note of the points below to enable you to get into the driving set of your life and feel in charge of you.

The first point to note is that any energy you spend worrying about the situation takes away any potential strength you could use to find your way out of it. People who play games gain much satisfaction when others are affected. Most of their malicious acts are triggered by the motivation to cause a stir or be controversial. When you choose not to react, they loose, you win. If you keep distant and consistent with this, your lack of reaction will eventually bore the trouble maker (s). Eventually they start scheming with somebody else as they quickly realise that they will not get a reaction from you.

However tempting it is you should not stoop down to the individuals’ level. If you decide to get even and play the aggressor at their own game you will simply frustrate yourself, compromise your own good values and again choose to waste your energy rather than conserve it for your own betterment.  Remind yourself of the following mantra – ‘what goes around comes around’.  Eventually, the source of trouble will get what they deserve as proven by quantum physicists – like attracts like.

Also, related to the above point, do not consume your energy discussing the individual or drama negatively.  This may give you short-term satisfaction and make you feel as though you are letting off steam, however, backstabbing conversations, moaning and complaining will not get you anywhere.  When you engage in these sorts of activities you create and invite a higher frequency of dilemmas into your life.  Soon nothing seems good enough and potentially you can find yourself stuck in a rut of constant complaint, inevitably annoying yourself and everyone around you.

Make sure you think before you speak or react.  One impulsive, off the cuff statement or act can definitely damage your reputation and credibility.  Not only will you embarrass yourself you may ultimately make the situation worse and then before you know you will start feeling even more helpless about the situation and more out of control.  Remember silence is golden, especially when you are angry, tired or around people that do not make you feel great.  You will be thankful that you did not react.

Most importantly, speak to someone you trust and respect about your dilemma.  If your situation is causing you to lose sleep you should ideally turn to someone professional.  A great service that is provided at will make sure that you are supported by a trusted coach to help you deal effectively with your dilemma.  A professional coach at think spa can offer great advice, counsel and ultimately act as a sounding board.

At the end of the day, you should respect yourself and your feelings; therefore professional support is crucial if you are troubled by any such situation in your life.  You may even contemplate undertaking a day seminar with  Go to the website and register your interest, the sessions are conducted in a small groups or as one to one’s you choose what is best for you.  Remember there is always a positive way forward but you are the only one that can help yourself and change your life and circumstances for the better.

Good Luck!